Part 2 - This second portion of the article (Part 1 is also available on the Forge) outlines the Defence Culture Blueprint framework, highlights the program’s objectives and structure, and briefly summarises the current use of multi-source assessment and feedback across Defence. Following detailed proposals for implementation, considerations and challenges of these implementation strategies are emphasised. The article then concludes with a summary of how multi-source assessment and feedback could contribute to achieving sustainable organisational cultural change within the Defence Culture Blueprint. A reminder of the research question being answered:
Multi-source assessment and feedback has been widely implemented throughout military and civilian contexts for leadership development and evaluation tools. However, can Defence leverage this methodology for broader culture change objectives sought by the Defence Culture Blueprint implementation?
The Defence Culture Blueprint consists of four main parts; ‘The Effects’, ‘The Spine’, ‘People Capability’, and ‘Architectures and Systems’, brought together in the framework in Figure 1.[1]

The Defence Culture Blueprint seeks to achieve two essential Effects:[2]
- Enterprise Performance. The Defence Culture Blueprint seeks to enhance organisational performance by embracing the advantages of ‘culture as a capability’. Where Defence leaders create an evolved culture that drives and sustains performance.
- Experience at Work. A positive workplace experience manifests as effective and efficient teams. The Defence Culture Blueprint seeks to enhance workforce engagement and commitment brought about by a positive workplace culture delivered through empowering leadership.
- The Spine of the framework centres around Defence Values and Behaviours supported by Leadership and Identity:[3] Defence Values embodied in workforce behaviours lead to the generation and delivery of Defence Enterprise capabilities. Leaders role modelling appropriate behaviour is critical to creating a positive team culture to deliver Defence’s mission. The Defence Culture Blueprint seeks to enhance enterprise-wide identity whilst maintaining individual characteristics of who we are, including Service and APS identities.
- People Capability incorporates the workforce (People and Teams) and its continual improvement (Development) through professionalism and teamwork.
- Architecture and Systems integrates governance, management, technology, and processes (Systems), binding the enterprise together (Connection) to be more than the sum of its parts.[4]
Current Defence use of multi-source assessment and feedback
Current use of multi-source assessment and feedback within Defence is very constrained, with only two easily identifiable implementations within official leadership development programs. Outside of these programs, interested individuals from across Defence can gain ad hoc access to resources in supporting self-development.
Next Generation Navy enhances member social mastery development by focussing on lenses of thinking and behaviours. Multi-source assessment and feedback contributes to this development by providing awareness of the role of individuals, teams and organisation in creation and evolution of cultural change.[5]
The Senior Leadership Performance Framework seeks ‘achieving an accountable, capable and unified workforce with a strong performance culture at its core where leadership, professionalism and corporate behaviours are valued and rewarded’.[6] Senior Executive Service Band and Star rank members within this program formally undertake multi-source assessment and feedback, supporting ongoing leadership development and performance accountability.
Multi-source assessment and feedback contribution to the Defence Culture Blueprint
Given culture is considered a capability and performance enabler for Defence, the contribution of multi-source assessment and feedback should be built from the foundation of Defence’s workforce management systems and processes.[7] The following description outlines how multi-source assessment and feedback can, if implemented appropriately, permeate the broader organisation and support almost all aspects of the Defence Culture Blueprint.
People Capability.
Critical to delivering Defence’s mission, people capability encompasses people and teams and their development through continuous investment, aligning skills, knowledge, and experience enhancement with desired outcomes.[8] As established above, multi-source assessment and feedback supports individual and team development through Leadership Development and Learning and Development mechanisms.
Mentoring and personalised learning is an enabler for future workforce enhancement.[9] When leadership is committed to development, an organisational learning culture is easily created and maintained.[10] Engagement in employee evaluation and growth further supports a learning culture.[11] Identifying and managing high performers through talent management informs succession planning, ensuring continuity in critical employment areas. Succession planning also identifies progress and promotion paths for staff. Incorporation of multi-source assessment and feedback into performance evaluation, talent management and education programs focus workforce development on what is important for organisational improvement. This focus also ensures the skills, competencies, knowledge, and experience requiring enhancement meet individual, team, and broader organisational objectives.[12]
Architecture and Systems.
As established earlier in this paper, culture is centred around people, their principles, convictions, and interactions; the espoused organisational values and behaviours; and organisational structures and processes.[13] Defence seeks to improve organisational culture by enhancing the connection between people, teams, and broader organisational relationships and their connection to purpose and mission.[14]
When individuals understand their roles and how completing tasks and activities contributes to overall organisational success and strategic goals, they feel a sense of purpose.[15] Consideration of team members’ opinions and inputs through a multi-source assessment and feedback mechanism also contributes to this sense of purpose.[16]
The Spine.
Encompassing values and behaviours, leadership and identity, the spine represents the core of the Defence Culture Blueprint. The Defence Culture Blueprint aspires to enable positive culture change by encouraging values-based leadership and fostering productive team cultures while accommodating individual and group identities.[17]
Multi-source assessment and feedback has, at its core, the methodology for insight into an individual’s values and behaviour from a holistic perspective. Applicable across personal and leadership development programs, performance appraisal and feedback: multi-source assessment and feedback collectively represent the social psychological concepts of person perception, impression formation, individuals’ conception of self, impression management, and behavioural change.[18] Holistically integrating multi-source assessment and feedback within Leadership Development, Talent Management and Succession Planning, and Learning and Development Programs sets the foundation for Defence to launch cultural improvement. When also incorporated within Performance Appraisals and Selection and Promotion Processes, Defence can proactively forge a future organisational culture of diversity and inclusion whilst delivering its mission.
The establishment of leadership legitimacy is crucial for successful cultural change. Once a leader establishes preferred organisational standards, a shared identity within the organisation (group) assists with integrating desired values and behaviours.[19] Leaders selected using programs supported by multi-source assessment and feedback enjoy greater trust within the team due to perceptions of deservedness and fairness in their selection.[20] Leaders strengthen trust and legitimacy with a solid organisational-versus-individual view.[21]
The Effects.
Defence seeks to establish ‘culture as a capability’; however, it concedes cultures require constant investment and focus by leaders at all levels to create the conditions for establishing and maintaining the culture Defence desires.[22] Positive workplace culture drives and sustains high-performing teams, delivering efficient and effective performance outcomes for Defence. Prioritising people capability and improving organisational architectures and systems through positive identity and robust leadership ensures the Defence Culture Blueprint provides a positive work experience across Defence.[23]
Implementation Considerations and Challenges
This paper highlights extensive research demonstrating multi-source assessment and feedback contribution to leadership development, organisational improvement, and cultural evolution. However, an implementing organisation must address applicable considerations and challenges for success.[24] The following section outlines various considerations and challenges relevant to the Defence Culture Blueprint framework.[25] These include: that cultural change is challenging; must be targeted in implementation; and should be taken with a longitudinal perspective. Importantly, accountability of senior leadership to incorporate all relevant tools, including multi-source assessment and feedback, is essential to assure the highest probability for success in cultural change.
Leadership ownership.
Perhaps the most critical challenge of successful multi-source assessment and feedback programs is the lack of leadership accountability in implementation. Leadership accountability of these programs not only enhances but ultimately determines the success of implementation.[26] Recent advances in the United States Army’s implementation of multi-source assessment and feedback demonstrate senior leadership commitment’s importance in delivering successful programs.[27]
Contextual and specific.
Multi-source assessment and feedback is not an organisational or behavioural change silver bullet. Rather, implemented within a suite of tools, multi-source assessment and feedback provides a unique set of data points with utility across various program outcomes. For a cultural change program to succeed, the implementation should outline the desired end-state and a definition of success must be identified. Hence, if program outcomes are unique and organisation-specific, so should the design of multi-source assessment and feedback data acquisition tools. Additionally, this tool must support two primary criteria: collection of data that enables reliable measurement and supports long-term sustainable behavioural change. Bracken and Rose collate a range of considerations and related approaches for developing outcome-specific multi-source assessment and feedback systems.[28]
Psychologically supported.
Psychological safety is essential for implementing any program incorporating multi-source assessment and feedback. Establishing a psychologically safe environment must occur before a program begins, especially if participants receive multi-source assessment and feedback for the first time. This environment must also account for individual perception and acceptance of feedback.[29]
Organisations seeking to implement multi-source assessment and feedback can establish a safe environment through training, education, and support arrangements. Provision of generic training, supported by the running of a pilot program, in the utility, use, and what is involved in 360-degree feedback-orientated programs for all staff and managers participating in the program must precede commencement.[30] The provision of counselling and coaching services should be a high priority for implementing a multi-source assessment and feedback system.
Perhaps the most critical element is establishing a positive organisational feedback culture. Specialised coaching and mentoring mechanisms support a positive organisational feedback culture and are vital to alleviate concerns over the reception of negative feedback.[31] Catering for and lessening these concerns is especially so when members receiving feedback hold a negative perception towards receiving feedback.
Development, then performance.
Implementing multi-source assessment and feedback programs should start with development in mind. Establishing understanding and trust in multi-source assessment and feedback through initial development programs is critical.[32] Running pilots throughout the organisation’s management (leadership) levels is advisable, demonstrating leadership commitment and authenticity in implementation.
Development focus on lower-level leadership within the organisation will realise long-term organisational benefits as these leaders progress through the organisation. Early development highlights leadership weaknesses and misalignment of values and behaviours with those desired within the organisation. This development focus also helps identify areas for improvement before leadership behaviours become more difficult to modify.[33]
Once multi-source assessment and feedback processes and associated trust have matured within an organisation, the natural progression is from development to performance evaluation purposes.[34] Whilst these systems are complementary, they should operate separately but in parallel.[35]
Sustainable long-term implementation.
Effective and focussed multi-source assessment and feedback implementation is an investment in people with long-term organisational benefits.[36] Ongoing individual and leadership development supports overall organisational culture improvement.[37] Longitudinal performance evaluation ensures the progress of desirable leaders through the organisation whilst identifying those not yet ready to progress to higher leadership roles. This approach has demonstrated promise, as seen in the United States Army implementation of multi-source assessment and feedback within the Battalion and Colonel Command and Sergeant Major Assessment Programs.[38] Initial observations suggest there have already been positive leadership and culture improvements throughout the organisation.
Objective participant selection and data credibility.
The selection of participants to provide feedback varies in importance, depending on the outcomes sought. Feedback contributors should know the recipient for 1-3 years for best results.[39] A representative sample of contributors should be broad across supervisors, peers, direct reports, and customers and suppliers, if seeking external input.[40] The recipient should not determine the selection of feedback participants, hence minimising the opportunity for ‘gaming’ of feedback received.[41] However, the inclusion of a self-assessment assists with identifying any difference in perception between the others and the recipient.[42]
Establishing and maintaining data credibility and integrity once feedback is collected is critical. Data integrity includes empowering recipients to obtain original and interpreted data for development scenarios whilst restricting access to only those requiring it for the supporting delivery of program outcomes.[43] Equally, keeping contributors’ input confidential increases the accuracy of the feedback given.[44]
Defence’s culture change journey has achieved modest success over the previous decade. Moving forward from 2023, Defence sets out to build on the achievements of the Pathway to Change through evolution to the Defence Culture Blueprint to deliver an ‘Adaptive and Resilient Defence Culture’.[45] Defence plans to deliver this culture by combining the outcomes from the enabling elements of the Defence Culture Blueprint Framework. The Spine of the Defence Culture Blueprint is a set of desired values and behaviours supported through effectual leadership and shared identity. This spine buttresses the broader organisation to empower People Capability, leveraging and improving organisational Architectures and Systems to deliver the primary Effects of enhanced Experience at Work and increased Enterprise Performance.[46]
Achievement of objectives tied to individual elements of the Defence Culture Blueprint could be underpinned and enriched through multi-source assessment and feedback. Multi-source assessment and feedback has been incorporated within strategy, policies, and processes across various civilian and military organisations for over 30 years. Of particular interest for Defence is the widespread and growing implementation of multi-source assessment and feedback throughout the United States Department of Defense.
At its core, multi-source assessment and feedback seeks to provide constructive feedback from a 360-degree perspective. Confirming strengths for continued practice, whilst highlighting weaknesses and blind spots for development, multi-source assessment and feedback offers additional information to underpin a range of opportunities that benefit individuals, teams, and organisations. When aligned with organisational objectives, these development opportunities increase leadership effectiveness while encouraging a widespread learning culture. Assessed misalignment of individual values, behaviours or performance with organisational goals enables development programs to improve individuals’ and teams’ skills, knowledge, and actions towards meeting and sustaining objectives.
The combination of performance evaluation, talent management and succession planning, all informed with holistic perspectives within the workforce, ensures high-performing staff progress. Consideration of team member perspectives further enhances culture when included in important decisions that impact the team and the broader organisation. Similarly, when selection for prominent roles and promotion includes elements of holistic input, trust in those progressing into these key leadership roles is improved, building legitimacy throughout the organisation.
Multi-source assessment and feedback has successfully supported workforce management functions in civilian and military scenarios; however, implementation has not been without challenges. Despite its detractors, research over the past three decades has proved the strengths, improved the shortcomings, and highlighted areas for focused consideration in multi-source assessment and feedback implementation.
Holistically integrating multi-source assessment and feedback within underpinning elements of workforce management systems sets the foundation for Defence to launch cultural improvement. When also incorporated within Performance Appraisals, Talent Management and Succession Planning, and Selection and Promotion Processes, Defence can proactively forge a future organisational culture of diversity and inclusion whilst delivering its mission.
1 Research Summary Report - Defence Culture Blueprint, 10.
2 Defence Culture Strategy, 6.
3 Defence Culture Strategy, 7.
4 Defence Culture Strategy, 7.
5 Next Generation Navy.
6 Senior Leadership Performance Frameworks.
7 Defence Culture Strategy, 2.
8 Defence Culture Strategy, 7.
9 Research Summary Report - Defence Culture Blueprint, 37–41.
10 Islam et al., “Organizational Learning Culture and Leader‐member Exchange Quality,” 334; Jackson and Meyer, “Leadership, Commitment, and Culture,” 97; Vera and Crossan, “Strategic Leadership and organizational Learning,” 236.
11 Van Velsor, McCauley, and Ruderman, The Center for Creative Leadership Handbook of Leadership Development, 279.
12 Day and Halpin, “Leadership Development,” 10–12.
13 Schein and Schein, Organizational Culture and Leadership, 17–25; “Defence Culture Strategy,” 7.
14 Research Summary Report - Defence Culture Blueprint, 24–27.
15 Fiscus, “360 Degree Feedback Best Practices and the Army’s MSAF Program,” 13; Lesperance, “Developing Leaders for Army 2020,” 5.
16 Beiring, “Getting Serious About Leadership,” 6–7.
17 Defence Culture Strategy, 7.
18 Dunnette, “My Hammer or Your Hammer?,” 374.
19 Hogg, “A Social Identity Theory of Leadership,” 189–90.
20 Beiring, “Getting Serious About Leadership,” 8–15.
21 Keyes, Hysom, and Lupo, “The Positive Organization,” 148–50.
22 Defence Culture Strategy, 6.
23 Beba and Church, “Changing the Game for Women Leaders at PepsiCo,” 289–90; Athota and Malik, “360-Degree Feedback at the Workplace,” 323; Jones, Improving Accountability for Effective Command Climate, 25–26.
24 Smither, London, and Reilly, “Does Performance Improve Following Multisource Feedback?,” 60.
25 Bracken and Rose, “When Does 360-Degree Feedback Create Behavior Change?,” 185.
26 Rolnick, “Harnessing the Transformative Tsunami: Fleet-wide 360-Degree Feedback Revisited,” 44; Jones, Improving Accountability for Effective Command Climate, 25.
27 Spain, “Reinventing the Leader Selection Process”; US Army Talent Management Task Force, “New Tool Gathers Subordinate Input to Help Inform Commander Selection.”
28 Bracken and Rose, “When Does 360-Degree Feedback Create Behavior Change?,” 185–87; Nowack and Mashihi, “Evidence-Based Answers to 15 Questions about Leveraging 360-Degree Feedback.”; Wimer and Nowack, “13 Common Mistakes Using 360-Degree Feedback.”
29 Fleenor and Prince, Using 360-Degree Feedback in Organizations, 60; Hazucha, Hezlett, and Schneider, “The Impact of 360‐degree Feedback on Management Skills Development,” 329; Day and Halpin, “Leadership Development,” 12; London and Smither, “Feedback Orientation, Feedback Culture, and the Longitudinal Performance Management Process,” 91.
30 Athota and Malik, “360-Degree Feedback at the Workplace,” 324; Nowack and Mashihi, “Evidence-Based Answers to 15 Questions about Leveraging 360-Degree Feedback.,” 165; Bracken and Rose, “When Does 360-Degree Feedback Create Behavior Change?,” 186.
31 Atwater and Brett, “Antecedents and Consequences of Reactions to Developmental 360° Feedback,” 542.
32 Church et al., “Enhancing 360-Degree Feedback for Individual Assessment and Organization Development,” 67.
33 Bassett, “Growing Better Leaders for the Future,” 9–13.
34 Bracken and Church, “The ‘New’ Performance Management Paradigm: Capitalizing on the Unrealized Potential of 360 Degree Feedback,” 36; Bracken, Rose, and Church, “The Evolution and Devolution of 360° Feedback,” 771–72; Mamatoglu, “Effects on Organizational Context (Culture and Climate) from Implementing a 360-Degree Feedback System,” 444.
35 Fiscus, “360 Degree Feedback Best Practices and the Army’s MSAF Program,” 6–7; Bracken and Church, “The ‘New’ Performance Management Paradigm: Capitalizing on the Unrealized Potential of 360 Degree Feedback,” 35–36.
36 Williams, “The Surface Warfare Community’s 360-Degree Feedback Pilot Program: A Preliminary Analysis and Evaluation Plan,” 11–13; Mamatoglu, “Effects on Organizational Context (Culture and Climate) from Implementing a 360-Degree Feedback System,” 441–45.
37 Jhun, Bae, and Rhee, “Performance Change of Managers in Two Different Uses of Upward Feedback,” 4257–58.
38 Spain, “Reinventing the Leader Selection Process”; US Army Talent Management Task Force, “New Tool Gathers Subordinate Input to Help Inform Commander Selection”; Britzky, “How Being Passed over for Command Taught This Army Officer to Lead”; Koester, “JMC Officers Discuss Lessons Learned from Selection to Battalion Command.”
39 Carson, “Saying It like It Isn’t,” 399.
40 Testa, “A Model for Organization‐based 360 Degree Leadership Assessment,” 264.
41 Bracken and Church, “The ‘New’ Performance Management Paradigm: Capitalizing on the Unrealized Potential of 360 Degree Feedback,” 38–39.
42 Church, “Managerial Self-Awareness in High-Performing Individuals in Organizations,” 287–90.
43 Wimer and Nowack, “13 Common Mistakes Using 360-Degree Feedback.”
44 Bracken, Rose, and Church, “The Evolution and Devolution of 360° Feedback,” 782; Carson, “Saying It like It Isn’t,” 402; Wimer and Nowack, “13 Common Mistakes Using 360-Degree Feedback.”
45 Defence Culture Strategy, 3.
46 Defence Culture Strategy, 6–7.
Social Mastery
Unlocking Leadership Excellence with 360-Degree Feedback - Part 2 © 2025 by CC BY-NC-ND
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