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Scientists have developed a means to 3D print electronics onto the skin as a form of wearable technology akin to a tattoo. It is proposed that further development of this technology will allow these tattoos to monitor our vitals, and feed us personalized health advice in real time. They’ll wire our biology to the web, and put the internet of things at — on, in — our fingertips. They’ll enhance our five senses, and perhaps even give us new ones. This technology has benefits to the future soldier and represent a moral and ethical grey area.

Electronic Tattoo

Cite Article
(Kingma, 2018)
Kingma, L. 2018. 'Glimpse: How Electronic Tattoos Will Change The World — And Ourselves'. Available at: (Accessed: 20 February 2025).
(Kingma, 2018)
Kingma, L. 2018. 'Glimpse: How Electronic Tattoos Will Change The World — And Ourselves'. Available at: (Accessed: 20 February 2025).
Luke Kingma, "Glimpse: How Electronic Tattoos Will Change The World — And Ourselves", The Forge, Published: September 17, 2018, (accessed February 20, 2025).
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