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In this episode of The Dead Prussian Podcast, Mick Cook talks with a panel of distinguished guests about the ethics of managing, waging , and conducting war. The panel topics range from Just War Theory and its application to strategic decision making through to the actions of the soldiers in the coalface. There is even mention of the Bard and how we can learn from the play about Henry V.The panelists included former and current military officers as well as a philosopher on ethics. Guests on the panel are US Army LTGEN James Dubik (retd), Dr Pauline Shanks Kaurin, and Thomas McDermott. 

Listen to the podcast here.

Cite Article
(Cook, 2016)
Cook, M. 2016. 'The Dead Prussian Podcast – Ep 24: On Strategy Ethics'. Available at: (Accessed: 12 December 2024).
(Cook, 2016)
Cook, M. 2016. 'The Dead Prussian Podcast – Ep 24: On Strategy Ethics'. Available at: (Accessed: 12 December 2024).
Mick Cook, "The Dead Prussian Podcast – Ep 24: On Strategy Ethics", The Forge, Published: October 23, 2016, (accessed December 12, 2024).
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