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  • Can we solve the issue of gender-fair language? – This edition's column explores the benefits and challenges of addressing the lack of gender-neutral terms in modern-day languages.
  • More than just learning the lingo – Participants at the recent Defence Linguist Conference learned there’s more to different cultures than just words and phrases.
  • All day every day, linguists in Thailand – Gain deeper insights into life in an overseas posting through the experiences of two Army linguists in Thailand.
  • DFSL on the world stage​​ – Anya Ivanova discusses her recent US trip to present at the Bureau for International Language Coordination, and subsequent tour of the Defense Language Institute.
  • Code-switching: Nothing to do with cryptography – Barack Obama, Michelle Yeoh and PSY can all do it - Everything, Everywhere All At Once brings this linguistic phenomenon to the fore.
  • Finding beauty in a war-torn language – Pashto – The account of a language learning journey through sport, conflict, and lasting connections.


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Established in 2022, Yarning (formerly the 'Defence Linguist Magazine') is the official language and culture magazine published primarily for the information and entertainment of Defence personnel and their families. Articles focus on language, linguistic experiences, and the intersections of culture and communication. Defence personnel are highly encouraged to contribute, and submissions from people external to Defence are also welcome. Yarning is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December each year.