ADELE powering the intellectual edge
Developing intellectual edge[1] requires an organisational depth in professional wisdom, allowing it to shape, deter, and respond to our strategic environment. It is not a destination, but a constant striving for improvement in speed and quality of problem framing, decision making and system optimisation.
The Australian Defence Enterprise Learning Environment (ADELE) Learning Management System (LMS) is the platform used to deliver blended and self-paced learning to prepare ADF personnel for the integrated force in competition and conflict.
ADELE is a tool that can help you meet an ‘intellectual edge’ [2] and help us achieve the bigger picture.
Better learning means increased knowledge, and improved military capability. The Moodle 4.1 upgrade enables you to create better courses with its seamless navigation and a fresh new look, offering a more intuitive and engaging learning environment.
How can you start creating better and more engaging online and blended courses while still achieving the learning outcomes and teaching goals required in the best way possible?
ADELE Instructor and Manager courses
For instructors, developers or course managers, navigating ADELE and the evolving world of online and blended learning can be a steep learning curve. And the opportunity to get students to actively engage with course content can easily be overlooked by educators. [3] Documents, lecture slides and course readings are all very important, but they can often be mundane, leading to learning fatigue and cognitive overload.[4] Investing in delivery of education and training is fundamental to building the ADF’s intellectual capabilities.
Enrol in the new and updated ADELE Learning Practitioner course
The more familiar you are with navigating ADELE and optimising the tools, functions and activities available, the smoother and more engaging your learning experience will be for both you and your students. The ADELE Learning Practitioner course is designed to assist instructors and course developers in creating engaging and effective material in ADELE. The course includes four modules that will provide you with all the skills required as an ADELE Learning Practitioner.
Design, development and delivery of course content is one aspect. Proficient course management is another. The ADELE Course Management course has also been updated and enhanced with the upgrade to Moodle 4.1. It is highly recommended the Learning Practitioner course is completed as a pre-requisite before doing this course. Knowing your roles and responsibilities, and the practical steps for meeting the governance, management and compliance requirements for your ADELE courses is essential.
ADELE is a component of the Defence Learning Technology Environment (DLTE) managed by Defence Learning Technologies (DLT) under Defence Education & Learning Training Authority (DELTA).
Colton. G, ‘More than just a hashtag: the criticality of developing an Intellectual Edge’, The Forge (2019)
UNSW Teaching Staff Gateway, Blended and online learning, (2020).
Chen, O., Paas, F. & Sweller, J. A Cognitive Load Theory Approach to Defining and Measuring Task Complexity Through Element Interactivity. Educ Psychol Rev 35, 63 (2023).
ADC ACSC – Why video, (2023)
1 Joint Professional Military Education Directorate Australian Defence College, ‘The Australian Joint Professional Military Education Continuum 2.0’, 2nd Edition (2022)
2 Colton. G, ‘More than just a hashtag: the criticality of developing an Intellectual Edge’, The Forge (2019)
3 UNSW Teaching Staff Gateway, Blended and online learning, (2020).
4 Chen, O., Paas, F. & Sweller, J. A Cognitive Load Theory Approach to Defining and Measuring Task Complexity Through Element Interactivity. Educ Psychol Rev 35, 63 (2023).
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