For an introduction to Character:
Arthur, J, Walker, DI and Thoma, S 2018, Soldiers of character: Research report, The Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston.
Carrick, D, Skerker, M and Whetham, D 2019, Military virtues, Howgate Publishing, Havant.
Etzioni, A 1995, 'Character-building and moral conduct', The spirit of community: Rights, responsibilities and the communitarian agenda, Crown Publishers, New York.
Frederick, J 2010, Black Hearts: One platoon's descent into madness in Iraq's triangle of death, Harmony Books, New York.
Kristjánsson, K 2015, Aristotelian character education, Routledge, London.
Moran, CMW 2007, The anatomy of courage, Constable, London.
Morrell, M and Capparell, S 2012, Shackleton’s way: Leadership lessons from the great Antarctic explorer, John Murray Press, United Kingdom.
Moulin-Stożek, D 2019, 'The social construction of character', Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, vol 49, no 1.
Niemic, RN 2014, Mindfulness and character strengths: A practical guide to flourishing, Hogrefe Publishing, Boston.
Peterson, C and Seligman, M 2004, Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Serle, G 2002, John Monash: A biography, Melbourne University Press, Carlton.
Thapthimthong, R 2017, A journey to better the character of Army’s leaders.
Readings on Character and Leader Development:
Ancona, D 2012, 'Sensemaking: Framing and acting in the unknown', in Snook, S, Nohria, N and Khurana, R, The handbook for teaching leadership: Knowing, doing, and being, SAGE Publications, California.
Berghaus, PT 2016, 'The problems of authority and the want of apprenticeship in soldiers’ character development', Journal of Moral Education, vol 45, no 3.
Boe, O 2015, 'Developing leadership skills in Norwegian military officers: Leadership proficiencies contributing to character development and officer competency', Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol 186.
Neal, DJ, Boutselis, P and Bennett, J 2015, 'The United Kingdom Ministry of Defence – the case for followership as a key element of leadership development', Strategic Management Quarterly, vol 3, no 4.
Brooks, E, Brant, J and Lamb, M 2019, 'How can universities cultivate leaders of character? Insights from a leadership and character development program at the University of Oxford', International Journal of Ethics Education, vol 4.
Callina, KS, Ryan, D, Murray, ED, Colby, A, Damon, W, Matthews, M, and Lerner, RM 2017, 'Developing leaders of character at the United States Military Academy: A relational developmental systems analysis', Journal of College and Character, vol 18, no 1.
Callina, KS, Burkhard, B, Schaefer, HS, Powers, J, Murray, ED, Koblyski, G, Ryan, DM, Kelly, D, Matthews, MD and Lerner, RM 2018, 'Character in context: Character structure among United States Military Academy cadets', Journal of Moral Education, vol 48, no 4.
Chopik, WJ, Kelley, WL, Vie, LL, Lester, PB, Bonett, DG, Lucas, RE and Seligman, ME 2021, 'Individual and experiential predictors of character development across the deployment cycle', European Journal of Personality, vol 36, no 4.
Hannah, S and Avolio, B 2010, 'Moral potency: Building the capacity for character-based leadership', Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, vol 62, no 4.
Kiersch, C and Gullekson, N 2021, 'Developing character-based leadership through guided self-reflection', The International Journal of Management Education, vol 19, no 3.
Manley, J 2019, Character based leadership in the Canadian Armed Forces: A concept whose time has come, Canadian Forces College, Toronto.
McKaskey, K 2017, 'A strategy for character and leadership education', The Journal of Character and Leadership Integration, U.S. Air Force Academy, vol 4, no 1.
Murray, ED, Schaefer, HS, Callina, KS, Powers, JJ, Matthews, MD, Burkhard, BM, Ryan, DM and Lerner, RM 2019, 'Training character: Character attributes and performance profiles among cadets at the United States military academy', The Journal of Positive Psychology, vol 16, no 2.
Niemiec, RN, and McGrath, RE 2019, The Power of character strengths: appreciate and ignite your positive personality, VIA Institute on Character, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Neoh, JY 2017, 'Neoliberal education? Comparing character and citizenship education in Singapore and civics and citizenship education in Australia', Journal of Social Science Education, vol 16, no 3.
Newstead, T, Dawkins, S, Macklin, R and Martin, A 2021, 'We don't need more leaders – We need more good leaders. Advancing a virtues-based approach to leader(ship) development', The Leadership Quarterly, vol 32, no 5.
Nucci, L, Narvaez, D and Krettenaeur, T (eds) 2014, Handbook of moral and character education, 2nd edn, Routledge, New York.
Sosik, JJ, Chun, JU, Ete, Z, Arenas, FJ and Scherer, JA 2019, 'Self-control puts character into action: Examining how leader character strengths and ethical leadership relate to leader outcomes', Journal of Business Ethics, vol 160.
Sturm, RE, Vera, D and Crossan, M 2016, 'The entanglement of leader character and leader competence and its impact on performance', The Leadership Quarterly, vol 28, no 3.
Tate, GL 2016, Effects of character development on fourth-class cadets at the United States Air Force Academy, Doctor of Philosophy Thesis. Department of Leadership, Research, and Foundations, United States Air Force Academy, Colorado.
Uhl-Bien, M, Marion, R and McKelvey, B 2007, 'Complexity leadership theory: Shifting leadership from the industrial age to the knowledge era', The Leadership Quarterly, vol 18, no 4.
Walker, DI 2021, 'Learning to own professional practice through character – The case of the junior British Army officer', Journal of Moral Education, vol 51, no 4.
Watts, P, Fullard, M and Peterson, A 2021, Understanding character education: Approaches, applications and issues, Open University Press, London.
Readings related to Character and Ethics:
Allhoff, F, Lin, P, Moor, J and Weckert, J 2010, 'Ethics of human enhancement: 25 questions & answers', Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology, vol 4, no 1.
Badhwar, NK 2009, 'The Milgram experiments, learned helplessness, and character traits', The Journal of Ethics, vol 13, no 2–3.
Baker, D (ed) 2015, Key concepts in military ethics, UNSW Press, Sydney, Australia.
Baker, D 2021, Morality and ethics at war: Bridging the gap between the soldier and the state, Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, London.
Coleman, S 2013, Military ethics: An introduction with case studies, Oxford University Press, New York.
Halbig, C 2020, 'Virtue vs virtue ethics', Zeitschrift für Ethik und Moralphilosophie, vol 3, no 2.
Nguyen, B and Crossan, M 2021, 'Character-infused ethical decision making', Journal of Business Ethics, vol 178, no 1.
Paul, R and Elder, L 2019, The thinker’s guide to ethical reasoning: based on critical thinking concepts and tools, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, Maryland.
Thompson, MM, Hendriks, T and Blais, AR 2017, 'Military ethical decision-making: The effects of option choice and perspective taking on moral decision-making processes and intentions', Ethics & Behavior, vol 28, no 7.
Readings about Human Behaviour and Culture:
Bowles, S and Gintis, H 2011, A cooperative species: Human reciprocity and its evolution, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
Csikszentmihalyi, M 1992, Flow: The psychology of happiness, Ebury Publishing, London.
Elder, L and Paul, R 2015, The thinker’s guide to taking charge of the human mind: thinking, feeling, wanting, and the problem of irrationality, 4th edn, Roman & Littlefield, Lanham, Maryland.
Greene, J 2014, Moral tribes: Emotion, reason, and the gap between us and them, Atlantic Books, London.
Grossman, D 2014, On killing: The psychological cost learning to kill in war and society, Open Road Media, New York.
Haidt, J 2012, The righteous mind: why good people are divided by politics and religion. Penguin Books, London.
Hanscomb, S 2017, Critical thinking: The basics, Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon.
Junger, S 2016, Tribe: On homecoming and belonging, Twelve, New York.
Kahneman, D 2012, Thinking, fast and slow, Penguin Books, London.
Meredith, LS, Sims, CS, Batorsky, BS, Okunogbe, AT, Bannon, BL and Myatt, CA 2017, 'Identifying promising approaches to U.S. Army institutional change: A review of the literature on organizational culture and climate', Research report.
Nindl, BC, Billing, DC, Drain, JR, Beckner, ME, Greeves, J, Groeller, H, Teien, HK, Marcora, S, Moffitt, A, Reilly, T, Taylor, NAS, Young, AJ and Friedl, KE 2018, 'Perspectives on resilience for military readiness and preparedness: Report of an international military physiology roundtable'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport , vol 21, no 11.
Sapolsky, RM 2004, Why zebras don’t get ulcers, Holt, New York.
Sapolsky, RM 2017, Behave: the biology of humans at our best and worst, Penguin Books, New York.
Wilson, EO 2004, On human nature, 2nd edn, Harvard University Press Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Readings from Neuroscience:
Absher, JR and Cloutier, J 2016, Neuroimaging personality, social cognition, and character, CA Academic Press, London.
Aidman, E 2020, 'Cognitive fitness framework: Towards assessing, training and augmenting individual-difference factors underpinning high-performance cognition', Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, vol 13.
Ellemers, N, van Nunspeet, F 2020, 'Neuroscience and the social origins of moral behavior: How neural underpinnings of social categorization and conformity affect everyday moral and immoral behavior', Current Directions in Psychological Science, vol 29, no 5.
Lincoln, SH, Mukerji, CM, Dodell-Feder, D, Riccio, A and Hooker, CI 2021, 'The neural basis of social cognition in typically developing children and its relationship to social functioning', Frontiers in Psychology, vol 12.
Waldman, DA, Balthazard, PA and Peterson, S 2011, 'Social cognitive neuroscience and leadership', The Leadership Quarterly, vol 22, no 6.
Readings from Philosophy:
Arendt, H 2018, The Human Condition, 2nd edn, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Aristotle and Ross, WD (trans) 1999, Nichomachean ethics, Batoche Books, Kitchener.
Beard, MT 2014, War rights and military virtues: A philosophical re-appraisal of Just War Theory (Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)), University of Notre Dame Australia.
BeeBee, H and Rush, M 2019, Philosophy: Why it matters, Polity Press, Cambridge.
Chalmers, DJ 2010, The character of consciousness, Oxford University Press, New York.
Durant, W 2022, The story of philosophy, Dover Publications, Garden City, New York.
Heil, J 2020, Philosophy of mind: A contemporary introduction, 4th edn, Routledge, New York.
Macintyre, A 2007, After virtue: A study of moral theory, 3rd edn, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana.
Nussbaum, MC 2001, The fragility of goodness: Luck and ethics in Greek tragedy and philosophy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Rawls, J 1999, A Theory of Justice, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Sherman, N 2021, Stoic wisdom: Ancient lessons for modern resilience, Oxford University Press, New York.
Thagard, P 2007, 'Introduction to the philosophy of psychology and cognitive science' in Thagard, P (ed), Philosophy of psychology and cognitive science, North-Holland, Amsterdam.
Vidal, C 2012, 'Metaphilosophical Criteria for Worldview Comparison', Metaphilosophy, vol 43, no 3.
Zimmerman, A, Jones, K and Timmons, M 2019, The Routledge handbook of moral epistemology, Routledge, New York.
Readings from Psychology and Theology:
Alfano, M 2016, Moral psychology: An introduction, Polity Press, Cambridge, UK.
Cornwell, JFM and Higgins, ET 2019, 'Sense of personal control intensifies moral judgement of other's actions', Frontiers in Psychology, vol 10.
Darr, R 2020, 'Virtues as qualities of character', Journal of Religious Ethics, vol 48, no 1.
Limone, P and Toto, GA 2022, 'Origin and development of moral sense: A systematic review', Frontiers of Psychology, vol 13.
Miller, CB, Furr, M, Knobel, A and Fleeson, W 2015, Character: New directions from philosophy, psychology and theology, Oxford University Press, New York.
Miller, CB 2018, The character gap: How good are we?, Oxford University Press, New York.
Rousseau, D and Billingham, J 2018, 'A systematic framework for exploring worldviews and its generalization as a multi-purpose inquiry framework'. Systems, vol 6, no 3.
Snow, NE 2019, 'Positive psychology, the classification of character strengths and virtues, and issues of measurement', The Journal of Positive Psychology, vol 14, no 1.
Tiberius, V 2015, Moral psychology: A contemporary introduction, Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon.
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